GeoSystems Monitor v4.2.1 Release is Now Available

VESTRA Resources, Inc. has a new version of the GeoSystems Monitor, v4.2.0, now available for download.


  • Python upgrade from v2.7.9 to v3.11.6 (64-bit) 

    • This upgrade is for the installed version of Python (GeoSystems Monitor checks/points will be upgraded in the next release)

    • Custom checks/points must be upgraded to Python 3.x in order to run 

      • If needed, contact VESTRA for assistance. 

  • Node.js upgrade from v16.x to v18.19

  • Notifications for checks/points to be retired in the next release (list of retiring checks/points and notification examples)

  • ODBC – DSN changes are automatically upgraded from 32-bit to 64-bit if using Microsoft SQL for Usage Databases

Contact us for more information.