Conservation Easements
& Mitigation Banking
An increasing trend in rural land management is the initiation of Conservation Easements and the development of Mitigation Banks. Most Conservation Easements require a Remoteness Determination/Mineral Assessment Report. The purpose of this type of study is to determine if the property is in accordance with Federal laws governing the tax deductibility of Conservation Easements in which the ownership of the surface estate and mineral interests has been separated. Many of these studies have been conducted concurrently with a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in order to save our clients time and money, as many aspects of both studies are similar in content
Our goal is to assist with the establishment of local mitigation banks so that local dollars stay local and any loss of Northern California wetlands are compensated with the preservation and establishment of local wetlands. We are currently assisting with the establishment of a mitigation bank in Tehama County and have assisted with the development and maintenance of other mitigation banks in Shasta County.