Enterprise GIS Software Development and Training
A growing number of things can be accomplished with Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software and we recommend using COTS whenever it makes sense. VESTRA has experience with developing our own COTS product and we understand the benefits as well as the limits. Many business system integration and workflow requirements cannot be met using a COTS platform without some customization. Whether it is a custom widget that fits inside a COTS application, a custom UI designed specifically to meet the needs of a user community, or a custom script designed to perform an analysis unique to your organization, VESTRA's team of developers have decades of experience creating software that leverages our clients' Enterprise GIS systems and provides solutions that truly fit their needs. As part of their work, our development team is often asked to develop frameworks that the client’s staff can continue to build upon in later phases, and we welcome the opportunity to provide knowledge transfer and training as part of our services.